
Life’s Mantra – Love Yourz By J Cole

Life’s Mantra – Love Yourz By J Cole

In 2014, J Cole showcased yet another of his poetic genius in his album Forest Hills Drive and each track on it was a blessing to his fans. But it is not until 2016 that one particular song, Love Yourz became personal.

Most of the time I think about the lyrics to this song, my eyes get teary. Sometimes it’s tears of joy when looking back from where I have come and other times it’s sympathizing with the girl that used to be me, wanting to tell her everything would turn out okay. Still, this song means more to me than words can explain. It reminds of how strong I am and the strides I have taken to get to the point of appreciating life by reminding myself to “Love Yourz”.

To this date I would swear that I cannot understand anyone who would listen to J Cole’s lyrics and fall in love with the persona portrayed in those lyrics. His are the most relatable, life changing words that sometimes you don’t even sing along but sit and listen to every single word of encouragement, love and beauty of life. J Cole lyrics to me feel like someone who knows me deeply telling me that everything is going to be alright and that no situation is unique.

Like so many people I have been a dreamer. I have wished for things in my life and worked hard toward achieving them only to see them crash and burn. But do you know how J Cole would respond? “No such thing as a life that is better than yours.” And I would think, “how dare he say that.” I have done my best just to see everything go down in the drain. Others have succeeded even barely working as hard. True to this lyrics, our struggles are different, I might think somebody else is having it better but the universe has decided to shortchange me.

However, that isn’t the case. I might have something even more special that another desires. If we look within and learned to love what we got, we would appreciate life more. We think other people are better than us because we don’t know their struggles but trust, they might have different but as much struggle or even more.

Before I learnt to appreciate life, I used to dream of a time that I would “finish” struggling and enjoy life. You know what? That doesn’t exist. When I started making money, I felt the joy of going through the struggle. When I could get myself the little luxuries I desired, it felt nice remembering what I had to go through to achieve it. I felt proud and I understood the meaning of “Beauty in the struggle and ugliness in the success.” I learnt to appreciate the people who had to go through the hustle and bustle to provide for their loved ones. Working hard to get what you want has some power to it and feels great.

Life is great with people you love around you. We tend to chase the superficial so much that we forget what really matters. “What’s money without happiness or hard times without the people you love?” There is a misguided notion among the society that with money you can get anything that you desire that might make you happy. However, did you forget that when you get back home and shut the door behind you, it’s just you and your thoughts? How about sharing a meal with family, go dancing with friends or watch sunsets with your lover? I don’t know about you but I love the sound of this better and so whatever I do, I make sure I keep the important ones first. My family and loved ones who without I cannot achieve even the bare minimum.

What I can say about this song is endless. However, I have learned a lot from it and continue learning. My natural grandiosity might lead me to thinking that I am perfect and have it all figured out but with the world’s population there’s always going to be someone better than me. With a bigger house, better clothes, more talent and more character. Therefore being contented with what you have can give you peace of mind. If we always look at others we are in for a life of disaster. There is no such thing as a life that is better than yours and you ain’t ever gonna be happy until you LOVE YOURZ!

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